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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Meditations XXXXII

From Marcus Aurelius' "Meditations":

“Then hath a man attained to the state of perfection in his life and conversation, when he so spends every day, as if it were his last day.”

I heard a speaker once say, "Think about what you'd like to have written on your tombstone; then commit yourself to living each day so that when you're gone, that's how people will remember you." Aurelius is doing something similar here; he's saying, "Think about what you'd do with yourself if you only had one day left to live. Then make those things priorities in your life."

Too often the "business" (or busy-ness) of life gets in the way of being intentional in the way we spend our time. We end up frittering away precious time on things that don't really matter to us, and ignoring the things that we'd rather spend time doing. As we start a new year, it's worth considering: What are my priorities? How do I really want to spend my time? What obstacles are preventing me from spending time doing what I love?

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