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Friday, February 8, 2013

Meditations LVIII

From Marcus Aurelius' "Meditations":

“This time that is now present, give to yourself. They that rather hunt for fame after death, do not consider, that those men that shall be hereafter, will be even such, as these whom now they can so hardly bear with. And besides they also will be mortal men. But to consider the thing in itself, if so many with so many voices, shall make such and such a sound, or shall have such and such an opinion concerning you, what is it to you?”

This is a perennial theme in Aurelius' "Meditations": don't be concerned with the opinions of others. There are so many more productive things I could be doing with my time rather than worrying about what other people think of me. In truth, what impact do their opinions have anyway? None. Opinion doesn't change anything.

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